Each year, we receive thousands of submissions for our 3rd Grade Cabbage Program state scholarship awards. Before taking digital cellphones images and submitting them to your child’s 3rd grade teacher, please review the following tips:
TEXAS We can only accept digital images. Images may be taken on your cellphone or a digital camera.
- Submissions may come from a 3rd Grade teacher on the submission form.
- 4th Grade teachers can also submit winners (as students may have graduated to 4th Grade by harvest time), but please also include the name of the student’s 3rd Grade teacher in the submission.
- If necessary, parents may submit entries for their children.
- When taking a digital image, include a full view of the child and the cabbage in the image. Do not crop out any part of the child or cabbage out of the image. Please wear appropriate clothing (no bathing suits, please) and Be Creative!
- Take the digital image when the cabbage is fully mature. Do not send an image of an immature cabbage.
- If sending a digital image from your phone or other mobile device, please send the largest size possible. Otherwise, submit a digital image (jpg) with a resolution of 300 dpi, at a minimum of 4 x 6 inches. The file format must be .jpg. Please do not send PDFs or Word files containing imagery as they cannot be accepted.
- Teachers (or parents) should submit winning cabbages through our official online Submission Form.