About Bonnie Plants Cabbage Program
"We're committed to enhancing people's lives every day through the power of plants. Our unique, interactive program introduces and connects children to all aspects of the power of gardening."
What is the Bonnie Plants 3rd Grade Cabbage Program?
In 1996 Bonnie Plants initiated the 3rd Grade Cabbage Program in and around headquarters in Union Springs, Alabama, with a mission to inspire a love of vegetable gardening in young people, teach kids where their food comes from, and grow our next generation of gardeners.
By 2002 the program grew to become a national endeavor, including the 48 contiguous states. Each year, Bonnie sends more than one million free O.S. Cross, or “oversized” cabbage plants to 3rd Grade classrooms across the country*, whose teachers have signed up for the program here. If properly nurtured, kids can cultivate and grow cabbages that may tip the scale at more than 40 pounds!"
Does the largest cabbage get a prize?
At the end of the season, teachers from each 3rd grade participating class select the student who has grown the “best” cabbage, based on size and appearance. The program then awards a $1,000 to one student in each participating state.
A digital image of the cabbage and student is submitted online and that student’s name is then entered in a random statewide drawing. State winners are randomly selected by The Office of the Commission of Agriculture, in each of 48 participating states.
But…why cabbage?
Cabbages were the first profitable crop sold by Bonnie in 1918. The cabbages utilized for the program are the O.S. Cross variety, which is known for producing giant, oversized heads, making the process even more exciting for kids.
To date, the largest cabbage grown tipped the scales at 75 pounds! Seeds for this program are generously donated by American Takii Seed Company, the breeders of the O.S. Cross hybrid cabbage. This is an impressive old variety that was an All-America Winner in 1951.